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Create online training course from powerpoint slides or presentation

An online course (or Web course) is a training program delivered via a Web site over a digital audio/visual device, which means your computer, smartphone, or iPad-type device. 


  • Easy way to create online training
  • Powerpoint to Web Service
  • Improve Employees Productivity
  • Resolving Coworker Conflicts
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Benefits of  Web Course
  • Don't have PowerPoint Presentation
  • Conclusion

Easy way to create online training

The easiest way to create an online training solution for your company is to convert your PowerPoint presentation and have it prepared so it will become a powerful online tool using a PowerPoint to Web course service. 

Powerpoint to Web Service

PowerPoint to Web course service creates the course for you. And if they have their act together, they allow you to download the course to retain it for upload to your own Web site without restriction. Look for a free second copy of the course in what is called “free mode” so as the owner or administrator of the course, you can zip through it and inspect any part of the course without having to click through every frame.

PowerPoint to Web Training Course

Typically, web courses for online training force the viewer to click through and participate in every frame so they can’t jump ahead to the test or the certificate of completion. So, get to copies of the course. One for your Web and one for you. 

Hide your Web course on a non-indexed page that won’t appear on Google, or have your Webmaster create a login/password so anyone in the world can’t use your program.

With the above approach to creating a Web course, you are free from monthly fees using the vendor’s server, and you can be free to use your web course, along with its portability. Portability? Yes, I forgot to mention: Also ask for an MP4 Video of your course and a PowerPoint show, and a copy of the course that you can load to a DVD disc so you can hand it to employees or supervisors in your company. Should the be free, well, yes…or at very low cost.

Online training that is easy to access not only helps you train more employees and supervisors, but you can also reach family members if you are promoting workplace wellness and health education content.

One critically important upside of online training using a Web course is your ability to reduce risk in your organization.

Improve Employees Productivity

Remember, your employees are paid. And paid employees are a captured audience. And this means you can offer 10-15 minute or less education to them that improves productivity, reduces safety risks, builds morale, and generally helps them be happier, healthier, and more engaged with your organization.

Years ago, your employee assistance program may have been quite “hands-on” with your organization and continually reaching out to offer employees topics of awareness and education needed to improve workplace wellness.
PowerPoint to Web Training Course

Resolving Coworker Conflicts

Resolving conflicts, stopping bullying, increasing respect, appreciating diversity, preventing sexual harassment – are only a few topics that can help an organization thrive and reduce lawsuits and employment claims. Imagine any of these courses costing say, $300-400 preventing a workplace shooting, reducing absenteeism, intervening with severe conflict, and workplace harassment. Does this sound like a good deal? You bet it is. And you will never reach everyone in an organization by simply having them show up in a breakroom, auditorium, or other location to watch a slide show presentation.
PowerPoint to Web Training Course

Certificate of Completion 

The best logical delivery of a Web course is anyway employees can get access to it, and the more important the topic, the more you want to keep track of who is taking the course, and getting your hands on their certificate of completion. Why? 

The answer is proving that you took due care in your organization to educate workers with the goal of stopping and preventing behavioral risk. Your handful of certificates that show every employee was trained in sexual harassment, or whatever the serious subject might be available, is how you may protect yourself in court.
PowerPoint to Web Training Course

Benefits of  Web Course

    • You should own the Web course that is produced or created for you. Then keep it, use it on your Web site or even generate revenue with it as you charge reasonable fees to train your customers.
    • Web courses, to be effective, should allow your learner to interact with them. You do this by creating handouts and quizzes, inserting videos from YouTube for example, and adding a printable certificate of completion.
    • When you hold your own Web course, you can open specific folders and make changes to your online training course by swapping out pdf files.
    • Online training that is animated and words timed with voice narration allows you to meet all the needs demanded by Section 508 of the National Handicapped Act, which requires accessibility for people with disabilities. And voice narration is not expensive. Expect about $4 per slide of 100 words. 
    • Online training should be prioritized in your company to intervene with areas of risk that are currently unaddressed. Are employees using drugs or drinking on the job? Are their employees complaining of sexual harassment? 
Are their poorly done performance reviews (see our Web course on this topic)? Are the comments from certain quarters about race and diversity issues that could explode into lawsuits for your company? These are the courses you want to establish as online training first. 

Don't have PowerPoint slides or presentations?

Okay, you say you don’t have a PowerPoint on sexual harassment or diversity awareness. What should you do? Here are the easy steps to start creating a fantastic online training library that your employees will access in the middle of the night to do everything from helping them sleep better to intervening with a family member who is mentally ill, to learning out to document performance to leading a team, and much more.

Step 1: Decide on the risk issue of the topic you want to address.

Step 2: Write 4-5 things about this topic that concern your company. Just one sentence each is good.

Step 3: Send these five sentences to or any writer that your company would like to use. (We have expert writers who are the best of the best.) You can also use the online or offline quote form that will return to you with the best guess on the cost of your course.

Step 4: Ask for 1200 documents to address this topic, but before doing so, do a quick search at to make sure we do not have the course already or the content from which it can be created.

Step 5: Ask for the online training to be produced and take a guess at how long it might be by completing this form at Then wait for us to contact you.


Converting a PowerPoint presentation to a web course maximizes its impact on employees. It helps resolve conflicts and improves overall performance at the workplace. Plus it is easily accessible online for anyone(you choose), anytime.
PowerPoint to Web Training Course